October 26, 2012
Former Bush and Clinton/Obama Advisors Stress Importance of American Leadership
Philadelphia, PA – Former National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush, Stephen Hadley, and former Secretary of the Treasury under President Bill Clinton and Obama Economic Advisor, Lawrence Summers, discussed the elections, foreign policy, and what the next administration will face at a forum in Philadelphia this afternoon with over 500 attendees.
In a rare moment of bipartisanship, Hadley and Summers stressed that Democrats and Republicans agree on the importance of U.S. foreign assistance, but may differ on how to deliver it most effectively.
“The national security challenges America faces in the post-9/11 require us to implement a comprehensive strategy, which includes our tools of global development and diplomacy, along with defense,” said Hadley. “These programs go a long way toward advancing our own national interest by alleviating the conditions that can give extremists a foothold around the world, by quelling threats before they become conflict, and preserving the gains made by our brave men and women in uniform.”
“To get the engines of our economy roaring again, we need to open markets for American goods and services,” said Summers. “Reaching the 95% of consumers that live outside of the United States is critical to expanding business and getting Americans back to work. By alleviating poverty and strengthening democracy around the world, we showcase the values we hold dear as Americans while making a smart investment in our own economy”
The event was sponsored by University of Pennsylvania Fels Institute of Government, Team Pennsylvania, World Trade PA, and the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition. Video of the event can be found at www.USGLC.org.
The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (www.usglc.org) is a broad-based influential network of 400 businesses and NGOs; national security and foreign policy experts; and business, faith-based, academic and community leaders in all 50 states who support a smart power approach of elevating development and diplomacy alongside defense in order to build a better, safer world.