WASHINGTON – The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition President and CEO, Liz Schrayer, released the following statement on the launch of the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Incentive Fund:
The USGLC is pleased to host the launch of the W-GDP Incentive Fund to lift up and empower women in the developing world because it’s an agenda that delivers for America. The data is clear that unleashing the full potential of women around the globe is good for America’s security, good for our economy, and it promotes our values.
At a time when Washington is hopelessly divided, empowering women through global development and this initiative unites both parties and both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue and brings together the best of American innovation from the business and NGO communities.
We look forward to working with the newly announced implementing partners and supporting the two leaders at the center of this effort: Ivanka Trump – who has led this new initiative and pushed global women’s economic empowerment to the center stage, and Ambassador Green – who has brought the full expertise of USAID to the table.
Six months after the launch of the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative, another exciting program is in the works: the W-GDP Incentive Fund. Announced by White House Advisor Ivanka Trump and USAID Administrator Mark Green at an event co-hosted by the USGLC and USAID, the W-GDP Incentive Fund will provide grants to 14 projects in 22 countries. Mostly located in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, these projects will collectively help more than 100,000 women advance in their local economies.
A White House initiative led by Ivanka Trump announced Wednesday its first slate of grants worth $27 million to economically benefit women in the developing world.
Trump said the money from the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (WGDP) would be complemented by $160 million from hundreds of nongovernmental organizations and private sector companies to buoy the initiative’s efforts.