The Global Plum Book identifies the 100 key political appointed positions in an Administration who are responsible for development and diplomacy policy. Get background and bios on all the latest appointments at the White House, State Department, USAID, and beyond. For a quick guide to the top foreign policy positions across the Administration, download this PDF booklet.

Click a department or agency below to explore the profiles, backgrounds, and statements of the latest nominees.

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Ambassador-at-Large & U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator for HIV/ AIDS – Dr. John N. Nkengasong
Department of State

Dr. John N. Nkengasong, MSc, PhD

Ambassador-at-Large, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Senior Bureau Official for Global Health Security and Diplomacy

Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues, US Department of State – Geeta Rao Gupta
Department of State

Geeta Rao Gupta

Ambassador at Large for Global Women's Issues

Undersecretary of State for Management
Department of State

John R. Bass

Undersecretary of State for Management

The Undersecretary of State for Management is the State Department’s representative on the President’s Management Council and is the Department official responsible for implementing the President’s Management Agenda.

Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and Nominee for Member of the Board of Directors of the African Development Foundation – Molly Phee
Department of State

Molly Phee

Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and Nominee for Member of the Board of Directors of the African Development Foundation

Oversees Department of State activities in Africa.

Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs – Michele Sison
Department of State

Michele Sison

Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs

Oversees the Department of State’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs, handling relations with international organizations including the United Nations (UN).

Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs – Lee Satterfield
Department of State

Lee Satterfield

Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs

Leads the Department of State’s Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs.