On July 27, 2011, a group of top military, business, government, and faith-based leaders joined the USGLC and an audience of 175 community leaders and veterans at Regent University to discuss the deep linkages between U.S. global engagement and our national security and economic prosperity here at home. The panel discussion emphasized how U.S. leadership in the world keeps us safe by preventing conflicts before they start while also creating jobs and key export opportunities for American businesses.
The event began with welcoming remarks from Virginia State Advisory Committee members Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, Admiral Larry Baucom, President of the Virginia Beach World Affairs Council, and Jack Hornbeck, President of Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce. Their remarks were followed by a panel conversation moderated by CBN News Chief Political Correspondent, David Brody, featuring Lt. Gen. Pete Osman, USMC (Ret.), former Virginia Congressman Tom Davis, Virginia Chamber of Commerce and CEO Barry DuVal, and Vice President of Advocacy at World Vision, Rev. Adam Russell Taylor. Drawing from their respective experiences in the military, government, business, and development, the panelists all emphasized the importance of continued investment in America’s development and diplomacy efforts abroad.
Lt. Gen. Osman, USMC (Ret.), spoke from his 37 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps and highlighted the crucial role of U.S. global engagement in maintaining our nation’s security. “Today, we face new and ever increasing threats. In order to keep our nation safe, we must invest in a comprehensive strategy that includes development and diplomacy alongside defense,” Gen. Osman said. “These programs not only enhance national security; they potentially save service members’ lives by ensuring that ‘boots on the ground’ are worked in concert with other instruments of national power and are not always the first or only option.”
Referencing the tremendous progress in international development over recent years, Rev. Taylor emphasized how international health and capacity-building programs funded through the International Affairs Budget are crucial for countries to lift themselves out of poverty, prevent violence, and develop a strong economy. Barry DuVal added that such revitalized economies are crucial to creating job growth here at home, as they open new markets and trading partners for American businesses, particularly in the export-industry.
With budgetary constraints continuing to shape the government’s funding allocations, the discussion also stressed that programs promoting U.S. development and diplomacy efforts not be cut disproportionately so as to maintain their integrity and to best ensure U.S. national and economic security.
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Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson
Founder and Chancellor, Regent University
Lt. Gen. Osman, USMC (Ret.)
Honorable Tom Davis
U.S. House of Representatives, 1995 – 2008
Barry DuVal
President & CEO, Virginia Chamber of Commerce
Rev. Adam Russell Taylor
Vice President of Advocacy, World Vision USA
A Conversation on the Importance of Global Engagement to Our National and Economic Security.