Past Event / May 19, 2014

America’s Global Leadership: Impact on Florida

America’s global leadership strengthens our national security and bolsters Florida’s economy. Our Miami luncheon discussion covered the benefit that our investment in the world brings to our community and local businesses.



Featured Speakers

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rep. Wasserman Schultz was first elected in 2004 to represent Florida’s 23rd District, which includes parts of Broward and Miami-Dade counties. Previously, she served 12 years in the Florida legislature, first as a Representative from 1993-2001 and then as a Senator for two terms. In the House, she is the Chief Deputy Democratic Whip and serves on the Appropriations Committee, including the State-Foreign Operations Subcommittee. She also is Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. Throughout her career, Rep. Wasserman Shultz has been a strong supporter of America’s global engagement and the International Affairs Budget.

Rep. Ted Deutch

Rep. Ted Deutch was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010 and represents Florida’s 21st district, which includes South Florida communities throughout Palm Beach and Broward County. He serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee and is the Ranking Member of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee. He also serves on the Judiciary and Ethics Committees and as an Assistant Whip to Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD). Previously, he served in the Florida State Senate for four years and worked as a commercial and real estate lawyer. Throughout his career, Rep. Deutch has been a strong supporter of the International Affairs Budget.

Carlos Gutierrez

U.S. Secretary of Commerce (2005-2009)

As Secretary of Commerce from 2005-2009, Carlos Gutierrez worked with foreign governments and U.S. business leaders to advance economic relationships, enhance trade, and promote U.S. exports. Secretary Gutierrez also played a key role in the passage of landmark free trade agreements that strip away trade barriers, expand export opportunities and boost global investment. Prior to his public service, he spent nearly 30 years with Kellogg Company, rising to become the youngest CEO in the company’s 100-year history in 1999 and Chairman of the Board in 2000. Currently, he serves as co-Chair of the Albright Stonebridge Group, a global strategy company focused on commercial diplomacy founded by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger. He also serves as Chairman of Republicans for Immigration Reform and is a National Trustee at the University of Miami.

General James Mattis

Commander, U.S. Central Command (2010-2013)

General Mattis served as Commander of U.S. Central Combatant Command (CENTCOM) from 2010-2013, where he led the U.S. military in one of the most strategically important regions of the world for U.S. national security. Throughout his 40-year career with the Marine Corps, General Mattis served in a number of leadership roles, including Commander of Marine I Expeditionary Forces, U.S. Joint Forces Command, and Supreme Allied Commander Transformation. From his experience, General Mattis has an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities of civilian agencies in maintaining the hard-fought gains of our military. He is also a member of USGLC’s National Security Advisory Council.

Al Cardenas

Chair, American Conservative Union

Al Cardenas currently serves as Chairman of the American Conservative Union (ACU). He served two terms as Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, has chaired the Florida campaign of a number of Presidential and statewide candidates, and has represented Florida at every Republican National Convention since 1976. Mr. Cardenas served under President Reagan as Chair of the President’s Commission on Small and Minority Business Affairs and later as Special Ambassador to St. Kitts-Nevis.

Event Partners

CARE Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
American Jewish Committee Enterprise Florida
Miami Council for International Visitors