Be a Part of Supporting America’s Security and Prosperity

May 17, 2010 By Andy Amsler

We need your help in urging Senators to support America’s security and prosperity!  National security and foreign policy experts across the political spectrum — including all eight former Secretaries of State — agree the International Affairs Budget is essential to protecting our nation. However, the entire International Affairs Budget totals less than 1.5% of the federal budget.

Last month the Senate Budget Committee cut $4 billion (or 7%) in crucial funds from the FY 2011 International Affairs Budget—the only cut in discretionary spending in the entire federal budget. That action was in direct contradiction of calls from our nation’s top military and foreign policy leaders, including Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair, Admiral Michael Mullen, and all eight living former Secretaries of State, to boost funding for our civilian-led tools of development and diplomacy.

Investing in the smart power tools of development and diplomacy helps keep America safe, strengthens our economy, and saves lives around the world. We know that, and so do Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Richard Lugar (R-IN), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Christopher Bond (R-MO) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). They’re currently circulating a letter among their colleagues in support of fully funding the International Affairs Budget.

You can be part of this growing movement by urging the Senate Appropriations Committee to fully fund the President’s $58.8 billion International Affairs Budget request.

Take Action today by writing your Senators– it only takes a couple minutes of your time.