The 1 percent of our budget we spend on all diplomacy and development is not what is driving our deficit. Not only can we afford to maintain a strong civilian presence, we cannot afford not to. The simple truth is, if we don’t seize the opportunities available today, other countries will… Other countries will create the jobs that should be created here, and even claim the mantle of global leadership.
USGLC Washington Conference, July 12, 2011
It is far cheaper to pay for civilian efforts up front than to pay for any war over the long run.
USGLC Tribute Dinner, December 7, 2009
We have also learned that women and girls must be the focus of our work in the development area; they comprise the majority of the people on this planet who are underfed, underemployed, uneducated, unhealthy and poor. Investing in the potential of women and girls is one of the surest ways to fuel economic and social progress.
USGLC Tribute Dinner, December 7, 2009