Comprised of former Cabinet officials, U.S. Senators and Representatives who have advocated for U.S. global engagement throughout their careers, the Advisory Council provides strategic counsel to the USGLC on its efforts to advocate for a strong U.S. International Affairs Budget and educate opinion leaders.


George Allen
Governor of Virginia, 1994 – 1998
U.S. Senate, 2001 – 2007

Richard Armitage
Deputy Secretary of State, 2001 – 2005

James A. Baker, III
Secretary of State, 1989 – 1992

Howard Berman
U.S. House of Representatives, 1983 – 2013

James J. Blanchard
U.S. House of Representatives, 1975 – 1983

Bill Bradley
U.S. Senate, 1979 – 1997

Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State, 2009 – 2013

William Cohen
Secretary of Defense, 1997 – 2001

Norm Coleman
U.S. Senate, 2003 – 2009

Bob Corker
U.S. Senate, 2007 – 2019

Tom Daschle
U.S. Senate, 1987 – 2005

Charlie Dent
U.S. House of Representatives, 2005 – 2018

Christopher J. Dodd
U.S. Senate, 1981 – 2011

Thomas Donilon
National Security Advisor, 2010 – 2013

Mickey Edwards
U.S. House of Representatives, 1977 – 1993

Bill Frist
U.S. Senate, 1995 – 2007

Robert Gates
Secretary of Defense, 2006 – 2011

Sam Gejdenson
U.S. House of Representatives, 1981 – 2001

Dan Glickman
Secretary of Agriculture, 1995 – 2001
U.S. House of Representatives, 1977 – 1995

Carlos Gutierrez
Secretary of Commerce, 2005 – 2009

Stephen J. Hadley
National Security Advisor, 2005 – 2009

Lee H. Hamilton
U.S. House of Representatives, 1965 – 1999

Gary Hart
U.S. Senate, 1975 – 1987

Dennis M. Hertel
U.S. House of Representatives, 1981 – 1993

Carla Hills
U.S. Trade Representative, 1989 – 1993

Mike Johanns
U.S. Senate, 2009 – 2015

Robert Kasten, Jr.
U.S. Senate, 1981 – 1993Tom Kean
Governor, New Jersey, 1982 – 1990

Henry A. Kissinger
Secretary of State, 1973 – 1977

Joe Lieberman
U.S. Senate, 1989 – 2013

Bob Livingston
U.S. House of Representatives, 1977 – 1999

Connie Mack,  III
U.S. Senate, 1989 – 2001

Sam Nunn
U.S. Senate, 1972 – 1997

Robert O’Brien
National Security Advisor, 2019 – 2021

Tim Pawlenty
Governor of Minnesota, 2003 – 2011

William J. Perry
Secretary of Defense, 1994 – 1997

Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State, 2005 – 2009

Bill Richardson
Governor, New Mexico, 2003 – 2011
U.S. Representative to the United Nations, 1997 – 1998

Tom Ridge
Secretary of Homeland Security, 2003 – 2005

Chuck Robb
U.S. Senator, 1989 – 2001

Mike Rogers
U.S. House of Representatives, 2001 – 2015

Ed Royce
U.S. House of Representatives, 1993 – 2019

Rick Santorum
U.S. Senate, 1995 – 2007
U.S. House of Representatives, 1991 – 1995

James Sasser
U.S. Senate, 1977 – 1995

David E. Skaggs
U.S. House of Representatives, 1987 – 1999

Gordon Smith
U.S. Senate, 1997 – 2009

Lawrence Summers
Secretary of the Treasury, 1999 – 2001

J.C. Watts
U.S. House of Representatives, 1995 – 2003

Vin Weber
U.S. House of Representatives, 1981 – 1993

Alan Wheat
U.S. House of Representatives, 1983 – 1995

Timothy E. Wirth
U.S. Senate, 1987 – 1993

Robert B. Zoellick
World Bank President, 2007 – 2012

In Memoriam

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Korbel Albright was a Founding Member of the USGLC Advisory Council from 2004 to 2022.

Former General Colin L. Powell served as Honorary Chairman of the USGLC Advisory Council from 2005 to 2021.