First Vice President and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at the Export-Import Bank – Judith D. Pryor

Judith D. Pryor

First Vice President and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at the Export-Import Bank

Judith Pryor is the First Vice President and Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at the Export-Import Bank.

Pryor previously served for nearly seven years in the Obama-Biden Administration at OPIC, now the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.

Past statements on development, diplomacy, and U.S. global leadership:

On Foreign Policy for the Middle Class: In her confirmation hearing to serve as a Member of EXIM’s Board of Directors, Pryor stated that her “top priority will be to focus on EXIM’s mission of supporting American jobs and growing American exports, while protecting taxpayer dollars. With over 95% of the world’s consumers living outside U.S. borders, there are so many opportunities for American businesses to grow their customer base abroad.” (source)

On Investing in Africa: “Renewable power projects like wind, solar, geothermal and biomass, combined with traditional thermal power sources, will be essential to illuminating the continent. As these ingenious projects demonstrate, there are multiple ways to bring power to Africa. This is a tremendous opportunity for the public and private sectors in the United States to come together to create a brighter, sustainable future with and for the people of Africa.” (source)

On China: “The rising influence of Chinese financing in the world has given [us]…pause. How do we counter this? How do we ensure that what’s being done is being done fairly? That’s been our number one issue.” (source)

On Climate Change: In describing her portfolio in 2020, Pryor said the following: “One of the other things that is in my portfolio is renewable resources, and I am very keen to get EXIM to lean in more significantly on renewable energy and anything else that minimizes the carbon output in the power sector.” (source)Judit