Fried Twinkies and Foreign Policy?

August 25, 2015 By Liz Schrayer

Deep-fried Twinkies were once again the rage at last week’s Iowa State Fair, but the presidential candidates are doing more than just tasting this annual favorite.

As a self-declared political junkie, I’ve been closely following what the candidates are saying — from the New Hampshire town hall meetings and the Iowa “soapbox” speeches to the first GOP debate in Cleveland.

As we continue to see headlines from ISIS to Putin, our nation’s role in the world is a hot topic for the candidates with polls showing that national security and foreign policy are among the top issues for voters. I’m very pleased to see so many of the candidates from both sides of the aisle sharing their views on global development and diplomacy — and why it matters for America’s national interests.

This is just a snippet of what the candidates are saying. In September, the USGLC will be launching our Impact 2016 web site with complete profiles and quotes. Americans care about these issues in a way that they haven’t in a long time, and we have an opportunity to make a difference.